How Well Do You See What's Around You?
It’s like the mall at Christmas only worse. At least at the mall people are used to what’s around them, so they aren’t gawking at every...

Is Compassion Lost?
I’m not sure where the little guy came from and to be honest, I’m not sure it’s even a little guy. We call him Blue Eyes because he has...

Why Are You Always So Angry?
I realize life can be tough at times. Illness, financial hardships, relationship woes, a struggling business, a lay off, a wayward...

Those Self-Appointed Cyber Police
They think they are the Self-appointed Cyber Police. Personally, I call them busybodies, tattle tales, narcs, cry babies, and...

The Negotiation of Change
Change is exciting. I usually relish it because it brings about freshness to anything around it. It jump starts my thinking and takes...

A Distracted Mess
I have to admit, I have struggled today to write this blog post. It’s not even the one I had planned on writing. Today’s topic was...

Relish the Unexpected
I was probably two or three at the time. I’m pretty sure it was while we lived in Indianapolis, Indiana because I don’t remember the...

Rein in Your Thinking
When someone calls you into their office or says they need to talk to you, do you get feelings of being back in school and called to the...

It's All About Attitude
“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.” - William James. I love...

The Messy Truth
Change is good. It keeps us from growing stagnant and pushes us forward. It keeps things alive and fresh. In a world of stale ideas we...