My Gift Giving Rules
It starts in September, sometimes creeping out even in August, those subtle and quite often not-so-subtle hints that are uttered during...

Garage Sale Junkies
The madness started when we discovered a flyer stuck to our mailbox, which is illegal I know but also don't care. Neither did whoever...

Thanksgiving Every Day
Once a year in America, we gather around a burdened table with family and friends to stuff our stomachs to match the full feeling of our...

There Should Be a License
I don't go fishing. I've been invited, but I don't have a license and I refuse to buy one. The whole concept for even needing one seems...

Change Doesn't Scare Me
Change doesn't scare me. For over twenty years I've been a part of churches where most members screamed if you changed the brand of...

Politically Incorrect
We are too damn sensitive! That statement alone probably offended someone. Truth is, however, we are. Everything has to be worded so as...

We Celebrate Everything
We have way too much time on our hands as is evidenced by Talk Like a Pirate Day. I wasn't really sure what was going on until I saw...

It All Started with Squirrels
He's staring at me, his tiny sharp claws gripping my porch screen as his fluffed out tail shakes like a silent tambourine. A few days...

The Season of My Ignorance
It's that time of year again. You know what I'm talking about, that time where ordinary people lose their sense of normalcy, when grown...

The Age of the Impersonal
Sitting in my study the other day, I overheard my youngest son, Zachariah, trying his best to get assistance from his cell phone...