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Participating in a Release Day Event

It’s almost here. Roll the Dice, the second book in the Rutherford Series, will be released on July 25th and, actually, is available for pre-order, right now. To say we’re excited is an understatement. We’ve pimped, swagged, shouted, and stayed up late at night creating teasers and editing once more. However, it’s all about to come to an end with a giant celebration and you’re invited to join the party.

Starting at 10 am Eastern time on the 25th, we are holding the Roll the Dice Release Day Party on Facebook. Click the link, join the event, and then plan on being there to participate in the fun and games. There will be some other great authors joining us, helping us promote Roll the Dice as well as their own works, and you’ll have the opportunity, not only to meet them, but win some free books, swag and who knows what else.

So, what do you do? First, join the event and then be there. Do you have to be there all day? It would be great, if you were, but no, you don’t have to be there all day. Pop in and out as your schedule allows from your computer or phone and see what’s happening. Then, as you see posts being made, get involved, engage the authors who are posting and play their games. Don’t be afraid to do the silly things, like that meme that has your name and a funny saying attached, and share them with everyone else. It’s all in fun and everyone will be laughing. If I can be a Mess, so can you, and you’ll enjoy it, I promise. You’ll meet some fantastic people and may even walk away with a new author to read. Comment. Ask questions. Share what’s on your mind. It promises to be a fun event, exposing you to other readers and talented writers.

You can also help us out by sharing the event and our Facebook page. That may seem small to you, but it really is a big help to us. You reach people we can’t. Also, let us know you’re going to be there and tell your friends. The more people who participate, the more enjoyable it will be for everyone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Until next time, keep chasing your fantasies!

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