Same Beginning, Different Endings
One of the reasons I enjoy exploring relationships in my writing is the discovery of diverse endings to the same situation. In The Harper...

That Feel of a Book
In a day of technology, I find it odd that I have several friends who despise digital books. Some of these friends are even authors who...

My Little Black Book
I admit it, and I’m not even embarrassed about it. I don’t hide it. I carry it with me wherever I go, right out in the open. It’s sitting...

The Destructive Force of Secrets
Rhychard Bartlett has a secret, a very big secret. We’re not talking about what he bought his mother for her birthday or whether Santa...

Things Are Not as They Seem
It’s not just because the world is full of faeries, although for Rhychard Bartlett that has become a definite reality. It’s more than...

A Bullet Dodged
Standing at the front door, there was a churning in the pit of my stomach, a twisting resignation that I was saying goodbye to everything...

But I Don't Feel Fifty
Fifty. The big 5-0. 50. It doesn’t matter how I say it or how many times I say it, I still find it hard to believe. I mean, wasn’t it...

Tweets, Statuses, and Grammar
I’ve seen the arguments on a few threads recently, as I browsed my newsfeed. I’ve even had the discussion with some friends over drinks....

The Power of Sharing on Facebook
Facebook is a sharp knife with a dual-sided blade. On one side, it’s a great way to connect, advertise, and share important information....

Ringing the Bell
Everyone wishes that they had a second chance, a chance to do it over and say the right things, to make that good first impression, to...