Routines Free Up Time and Energy
I’ve been called a creature of habit. I don’t argue this because for the most part it is true. I like things done a certain way and I...

By Rushing We Waste Time
Time. We are all given the same twenty-four hours each day. We are also given seven days in a week and fifty-two weeks in a year....

The Stories We Tell Ourselves
You don’t have to be a writer to be a storyteller. As a matter of fact, all of us are storytellers, even if we do not realize it. Don’t...

Disney Fast Pass Chaos
By now you realize our family loves Disney. We grew up surrounded by it and it has always been a place for escape since I was in...

Middle Name Seriousness
“Robert John Cox!” I froze in my tracks, afraid to move another inch. Once that middle name came out, I knew I had stepped over the...

There Is No Bedtime on Vacation
After spending all day traipsing throughout one of the worlds at Disney, I was looking forward to just being back at the resort and...

Road Rage Doesn't Need a Road
When I am tired, in a hurry, or just plain grumpy–I know it’s hard to believe me being grumpy–I can suffer from road rage. It’s true....

The Crime of Silence
He could feel the stares. They all stood there, watching. His books were scattered on the floor, papers strewn across the grungy...

"You Can't Win Them All"
Char and I went to the store the other day, why I am not sure, but I am positive it was of necessity for me to drag my carcass out of the...

The Jury Duty Draft
I received the notice three months before I was to report, which is good, I suppose. It gave me just enough time to forget that I had to...