I Confess, I’ve Been in a Reading Funk
I was sitting in my recliner the other night, trying to decide what to read, and I started five books and gave up on five books. Have you...

Writing & Yoga
Did you know September was Yoga Month? Yeah, neither did I. And I know you’ve seen pictures of me and are like, there’s no way this dude...

I Discovered I’m a Visual Person
I don’t know about you, but I found out I’m more of a visual person when I’m working on something. For years, I’ve been more of a pantser...

The Wake-Up Call
And that’s an understatement. There were no words written this week. However, there was a lot of moaning, whining, and clutching of my...

Do You Keep Track of Your Library?
If you’re in our readers’ group, then you saw me tell you about how I’ve started using Notion for different things, and one of those is...

March Wrap-Up, April Plans
Does time seem to be flying by you or is it just me? March was my worst month as far as how many words I put down on paper, and for the...

The Need for a Change of Pace
The girls and I are on vacation this week, staying at the Caribe Royale near Disney, and while we took in a couple of Disney parks, rode...

No Sleeping Through Slumber’s Destiny
My next release will return us to the world of Black Hollow, a paranormal town in Massachusetts full of supernatural beings from...

Anyone else ready for a vacation? I have the perfect place!
I love getting away to new locales. Traveling has been hindered since this virus hit, but we’ve still managed to get away and visit...

The Sandman Cometh
Black Hollow is a world I enjoy visiting from time to time, and I know many of you feel the same way. For those who may not know, Black...