Political Parties
Anyone who has read The Mess for any lengthy period of time or who have spent any amount of time talking to me knows that I rarely...

An Interstate Tutorial
The girls and I take quite a few trips each year, traveling interstates and highways in order to explore new areas and bring back...

They Said to Tell You Hello
“Hey, I ran into the Jenkins today and they said they missed you and to tell you hello. They’ve been thinking about you and want to get...

Trying to Do It All
It doesn’t matter where we go on vacation, we want to see it all. We just don’t want to miss anything, because honestly, we don’t know...

Colonial Park Cemetery
What do you like to tour on vacation? There are always historical sites, new restaurants, or unique spots that you can’t ever find...

Enhance the Experience
We are always in a rush. Not us exactly as in my family, but the human race as a whole. We want to hurry up and get things done, find the...

The Balance of Contentment
Last time we visited, I spoke about being content with your lot in life, with your possessions that surround you. Being satisfied is a...

Contentment Leads to Peace
“I love my life.” It became a mantra there for a while. Not that I was trying to convince myself, but because it just bubbled up and had...

Don't Stand in the Doorway
Doorways are exciting things. Sometimes, you have absolutely no idea what rests on the other side. Even if you’ve walked through it a...

Lights Out, Lips Shut
Last week, the 9-year-old participated in her school’s Earth Day Concert, a performance put on by third graders involving songs and...