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What's Next? Losing Faith

I know, I know. You read yesterday’s post and thought A Confused Life was my next book out. It is. I didn’t lie or change my mind. However, Losing Faith will be my next novel whereas A Confused Life is a collection of essays. As some of you have seen me talking about Losing Faith on Twitter and Facebook, sharing some of the prose on these social media sites, I figured perhaps it was time to give you the scoop on what the Greer couple is up to and what you can anticipate. I’m nice like that. Sometimes.

Losing Faith is the first in an erotic series based on the relationships and life of Faith Greer and her husband, Selby. While the story deals with sexual issues and emotional bonds, it also has family drama intertwined. Faith’s mother, Valerie, is a bitch and her younger sister is a spoiled brat even at twenty-eight. The Greers are quite happy with their lifestyle and adventures, but there are some who just hate to see other people having a good time and successful. That would be Faith’s family.

At the opening of the book, Faith and Selby have already been having fun sexually with other couples, but always together. However, they decide to open themselves up even further by playing alone with other people. Faith’s choice takes them into the world of business politics and even deeper into family betrayal.

Work may never be the same, but the main question is will her marriage survive it?

Where did I come up with this idea? I’ve always been fascinated with the interworking of relationships and getting inside of people’s heads. Writing about characters who deal with the taboo is a great way to explore various emotions and lifestyles. I also enjoy delving into areas the traditional world wants to avoid even looking at and showing the positive side as well as the risks. Losing Faith is the first of such books.

Someone once told me that men can’t make it in the erotica market. Of course, I pointed out that if I had said something like that about women I would have been labeled a sexist. The field is dominated by great female authors, but I think anyone can succeed at anything if they work hard enough for it. This is the century for breaking molds in all areas of life.

The first draft is complete and Losing Faith now moves into the realm of revisions. It’s exciting to be working on another storyline with a great cast of characters, even the idiots. There’s no doubt this novel will keep you turning the pages and then flipping back to reread the juicer bits. Look for it by the end of August.

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