Same Beginning, Different Endings
One of the reasons I enjoy exploring relationships in my writing is the discovery of diverse endings to the same situation. In The Harper...

Behind the Novel, Behind the Mask
It’s here! The release for Robbie Cox’s upcoming stand-alone story, Behind the Mask has arrived and it’s worth all the excitement....

2016 Summer Indie Book Awards
The cold of winter is setting in, at least for those of us in the northern Hemisphere of the world. But we at Metamorph Publishing aren’t...

Relationships and Ribbons & Bows
One of the main reasons I love to write is the exploration that comes with it and I’m not just talking about the research. Through the...

A Glimpse of Roll the Dice
The hot spray of the shower jet beat down on her upturned face and stretched neck as she stood with her hands on the blue tile wall in...

Roll the Dice Cover Reveal
Anytime you take a chance with your heart, it’s a gamble. Yet, unless you take a chance and Roll the Dice, you’ll never know if you’re...

A Sneak Peek at Sibling Rivalry
On April 15th, Sibling Rivalry will be released and we're beyond excited for this next book. To give you a taste of what's to come, check...

Meet Faith and Selby Greer
Faith and Selby Greer are the main characters of Losing Faith. They have been together for about a decade and few months prior to the...

A Losing Faith Teaser
Losing Faith is out and doing well. You can find it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Create Space, iTunes, and Kobo. We thought we...

NaNoWriMo - Sibling Rivalry
This November will be my first year participating in NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. I’ve heard of it for the last few years and...