That Feel of a Book
In a day of technology, I find it odd that I have several friends who despise digital books. Some of these friends are even authors who...

A Writer Refueled
December is a month when I slow down with my writing, and this year, it was much needed. After three surgeries within a month, ten weeks...

Behind the Novel, Behind the Mask
It’s here! The release for Robbie Cox’s upcoming stand-alone story, Behind the Mask has arrived and it’s worth all the excitement....

My Little Black Book
I admit it, and I’m not even embarrassed about it. I don’t hide it. I carry it with me wherever I go, right out in the open. It’s sitting...

Things Are Not as They Seem
It’s not just because the world is full of faeries, although for Rhychard Bartlett that has become a definite reality. It’s more than...

2016 - An Author's Year in Review
Every year, before New Year’s Day, we like to take a look back and see where we started, how we progressed, and even where we may have...

A Bullet Dodged
Standing at the front door, there was a churning in the pit of my stomach, a twisting resignation that I was saying goodbye to everything...

2016 Summer Indie Book Awards
The cold of winter is setting in, at least for those of us in the northern Hemisphere of the world. But we at Metamorph Publishing aren’t...

A Sneak Peek into Lore Master
With the release of Lore Master almost upon us, we thought you'd like a glimpse into the second novel in the Warrior of the Way series....

10 Questions about Reaping the Harvest
With Lore Master coming out and soon to be available for pre-order, we thought it prudent to ask Robbie some questions about his first...