Growing Up or Just Growing Old
When it came to growing up I was usually a year or two behind everyone else my age. I wasn’t “slow” in any way. I was a straight A...

We've Been Dumbed Down
I parked my van outside of whatever company my middle son was working for – I know I should remember the name of the company, but to be...

Positions Available; People Aren't
With the state of the economy and the high rate of unemployment, it amazes me how few people take finding a job seriously. By the manner...

There's No Place Like Home
I like going out. Really, I do. I enjoy taking the girls to a new restaurant or out for a night of dancing while listening to one of our...

Decide How You're Going to Travel
I love taking trips, whether they are quick ones to a place an hour away, like when we spent the day in Daytona Beach, visiting people...

What's in a Name?
While skirting around town last week, I was listening to Christmas music on the John Tesh Show and he read a piece on baby name trends...

Christmas Ghost Town
It wasn’t that long ago, was it? I mean, have I really gotten so old that I’m beginning to sound like my father whenever he would say, “I...

Emotional Hoarders
Awhile back, I wrote a piece on Emotional Vampires, those people who suck all of your positive energy with their constant negativity....

In All Things Give Thanks
Thanksgiving. It’s a time that forces everyone to stop and do what they should have been doing all year; give thanks. It is proof that we...

It's Tradition to be Traditional
With Thanksgiving coming close it brought my mind once again to the subject of traditions. I love traditions, those acts that seem to...