Erasing the Gap
She sits in her leather recliner staring at the television, which has been off for quite some time. For the fourth time in a half hour...
Reservations Please!
Valentine’s Day was here and as 95% of men across the globe, it had snuck up on me. It doesn’t matter that it happens every year on the...
Too Many Crying Wolf
When I was in elementary school, my best friend was a black boy named Mark. His father owned a small store in his neighborhood and his...
Online Bully? Really?
Bullies are idiots and, sadly, they’re everywhere, not just the school yard. You can find them in families, businesses, and nowadays...
Television Is Not a Social Event
The girls hate watching television with me. I think it has something to do with the fact that I actually want to watch the show that’s...
Flexibility in Messing
I had plans last night. Another adventure. Mid-week Messing. It was an oddity for us since we’re usually so busy during the week, but...
In Need of a Barbershop
I need a haircut. I know this because my bangs now flip upward once my hair dries and it resembles and inverted barrel of a wave. It...
End of the Day Conversation
“How was your day?” It’s a normal question at the end of every work day across dinner tables all over the world. Sometimes, it happens...
I Blame the Smart Phone
There’s a reason I never went for an office job. I have a low tolerance for office politics and what seems to me to be corporate...
Will You Just Go?
I used to love driving, which worked out pretty well since for twenty-eight years, my two main jobs involved delivery. I was either...