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The Rights of Chickens

I am not a political person, and it took a lot for me to decide to stick my nose into the quagmire and make this post.  I know I should probably be more involved, but I find the whole process reminiscent of a clown convention and even clowns after awhile become tedious.  To be honest, I think government has grown beyond what it was ever intended for and, like my feelings toward the church, I believe they should practice what they preach.  They don’t and I doubt they ever will, which is why stand up comics have so much material.

I am also of the mindset to live and let live.  I don’t care how my neighbors live their lives as long as they keep their damn dogs out of my yard.  I like to walk barefoot and I don’t need an early morning squishy surprise.  You see, I don’t care if people go to church or not.  I also don’t care if they are hetero or homosexual or if they love tattoos or piercings or like to dye their hair to resemble a snow cone.  It doesn’t matter to me, because it’s not my life; it’s theirs.  They have to live it and with their decisions.

 Now, that doesn’t mean that I have to agree with everything that’s out there.  Personally, I’m not into all of the body art and weird piercings that some of my friends seem to enjoy.  I am also not big on organized church or vegans.  However, I have family and friends that are and I accept them as is.  Still, acceptance does not equal agreement.

What I have noticed over the years is that in order for some to feel accepted, everyone has to agree with their choices and beliefs.  While trying to fight for their rights, they are quite willing to trample the rights of others.  Their way is the right way and yet, truthfully, there is no single right way for everyone.  This world breeds diversity.  It’s that quality that has propelled us into the future.

The news has been rampant with the battle being fought between Chick-fil-A and the gay rights movement.  So have Facebook, Twitter, and bloggers across the United States.  However, it’s not really a fight, but more of a bullying tactic to force people to be in agreement with their viewpoints on life.

Now, before anyone tries to surmise which side I am on and prejudge me, allow me to say that I am on both sides.  “Fence rider!” I hear people scream, but I assure you that is not the case.  You see, I agree with both sides, but in different areas.

I do not agree with founder Dan Cathy’s stance on traditional marriage.  I believe everyone has a right to a loving, consensual partnership regardless of the genders in the mix.  As a society, we have evolved past the narrow view of “this way or no way.”  I believe homosexual couples should be able to adopt and raise children.  Any person who believes a child is better off in an orphanage or in the foster system as opposed to a loving home regardless of the sexual orientation of the parents has never been in the system or visited an orphanage.

I believe that everyone under the law should have the same rights, benefits, and protections as everyone else regardless of sex, race, age or culture.  It doesn’t matter whether it’s an agreed upon lifestyle or not, it must be accepted and protected. 

However, whether I agree with Mr. Cathy or not, I believe that he has the right to his opinion and his beliefs.  I disagree that he should be quiet and hide his viewpoints.  If the gay community wants the same rights as everyone else in all things they have to be accepting of those who disagree with them, just as they disagree with others.  I have watched videos, read reports and news articles, and listened to people who have ridiculed and mocked Chick-fil-A for its beliefs.  People no longer see the real issues, but only the childish bullying of a few people with internet access.  Shock value is not always beneficial in a protest; it can go too far.

People have the right to live their lives as they choose with whomever they choose.  Likewise, people have the right to disagree and say so.  We cannot push the gay rights movement at the risk of Freedom of Speech.  If we do, then that shuts both sides up and no one wins.

* * * * * 

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