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Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas!!!

The past year has had it’s challenges for us all, but as it draws to a close and as Christmas draws near, I can’t help but think of the good things that happened even in the midst of the bad. We’ve been able to continue to bring you the stories you enjoy, branched out into new worlds, traveled to visit family and friends, and enjoyed the changes that have happened to us in 2020. The one thing I love about my family is how easily we roll with the changes, and if you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know change drives me bonkers. I’m a pretty structured, ritualistic type of guy, who likes things at certain times and in certain places. However, when it comes to change that pushes us into new, exciting endeavors, I’m all in. I’m glad you are a part of these changes, and I hope you’re just as excited about what we’re about to bring you in 2021 as we are.

Speaking of 2021, you’ll be excited to know I’ll be writing in a new world, one that involves Navy SEALS and lots of, um, steam. We’ll share more as we get the cover and blurb mapped out, but I know some of you love the contemporary stories, such as Losing Faith and Sibling Rivalry, and I just know you’re going to love these.

Crimson Moon Hideaway is up and running, so I hope you’ve checked them out. There will be new releases each month with some talented authors. And don’t forget Black Hollow. In May, I’ll be releasing Slumber’s Destiny, where the Sandman gets his lady – a dream walker. There are also merchandise stores where you can wrap your hands around a fun mug or slip into a cozy T-shirt. Make sure you check it out.

And Dark Moon Falls Volume 3 will be heading your way in May with my story, Reed. This will be an older man tale as his wolf leads him to a younger woman. Oh, and he teaches college, so guess where he met her.

We’ll be finishing The Rutherford Series in 2021, and I know several have been waiting to see Edwin’s story as well as how Faith and Selby are doing. His to Command is already up for pre-order, and Sharing Hearts will be up soon.

Of course, we’ll also have plenty of Paranormal stories, with more Destined Mates, Draven Falls, as well as the Witches of Savannah. And don’t forget the Warrior of the Way and The Cauldron Coven. It’s been a busy year and 2021 will be even busier, so hang on tight. The ride is about to kick in even faster.

Oh, and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR from my family to yours!

Happy Reading,


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