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What Brings You Joy? Do That!

Star Wars: A New Hope came out in 1977 when I was eleven years old, almost out of elementary school and heading to middle school. The stores were flooded with Star Wars action figures, and I wanted them all. Not to collect them as people do now. I mean, what eleven-year-old sees toys like that and says, “I’m going to keep it in its package and put it on a shelf so ninety years from now they’ll be worth a lot of money”? No, we collect them because we want to play with them. And I did. I bought them, got them as gifts, begged for them, until I had everything they came out with, and it didn’t stop with the first movie. No. I collected them with Empire Strikes Back as well as Revenge of the Jedi, which came out in 1982. And yes, I was still playing with them, creating elaborate storylines in my bedroom that I would later put down on paper. I didn’t care that the older I aged, the more “uncool” it became to play with action figures or what people who discovered my secret joy thought of me. I had a blast hanging characters from bookshelves, zipping around my room on the latest rescue mission, getting involved in epic space battles. It made me happy, and that’s why I didn’t care. I actually have some of those action figures still, and they sit on my desk as a reminder to do what makes me happy, regardless of what other people think.

We learn it at an early age: fit in, don’t stand out too much, don’t do anything silly that will make people laugh at you, instead of with you. And I hate it. What makes you happy, bringing you joy in the midst of your daily life? Whatever it is, do that, and do it today. Is there something you collect that makes you smile? Keep collecting, join groups—I promise you there are groups for it—and get involved with others who get the same joy. Are people mocking your collection of comic books? Disney collectibles? Butterflies? Stamps? Who cares? Those people are missing something in their life that you have—the courage to enjoy the simple things. So what if they walk into your all pink lace living room and think it odd? Or if they don’t get that you love a kitchen full of roosters or cows? If it brings you happiness, do it. Read what you want to read. Listen to the music that brings you peace. Watch the movies, learn the instruments, go to the places that cause you to forget the chaos of the world around you, and find your inner tranquility. And surround yourself with people who encourage you to seek out that calmness in your life. You’ll be happier when you do.

The Latest News

My Paranormal Writings - Muse Unleashed is out, and I hope you grabbed your copy before the price went up. I’m loving the reviews coming in for my first story in the Crimson Moon Hideaway World. Dark Moon Falls Volume II is down now, which means Deacon will be going live in a couple of weeks, so keep an eye out. I just saw the cover, and you’re going to love it! We’re also busy working on Sassy Claws, a Christmas story involving the Bull Creek characters, which you’ll hear more about soon. We’re waiting on the cover for The Tenth Coven, which will start a whole new series in the Destined Mates World, Draven Falls. Some of the characters you’ve met already, such as Agatha Rochester and Talquin. And of course, there will be more Destined Mates and Bull Creek Chronicles books, so watch your inbox.

My Steamy Contemporary Romance - His to Command is up for pre-order for only 99 cents, so make sure you grab your copy now. This will be the fourth in The Rutherford Series, with Sharing Hearts, the fifth and final book in the series coming out in April. I hope you’re ready for Edwin’s story, because it looks like it’s going to be a hot one. We have a couple of other romances planned for 2021, such as Between Brothers, so for those of you who follow me for my contemporary romances, you’ll have plenty to read. There will also be some more, exciting news coming up soon, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy for now. Soon, though, because we all know I can’t keep secrets like this for long.

Urban Fantasy - Death’s Shroud, first in the Cauldron Coven series, will be an audio book soon, with the rest of the series close behind. I’m excited to be taking this next step, and you’re going to love the narration. Siren’s Song will be the next in the Warrior of the Way series, but until then, expect some Warrior of the Way shorts, such as Bonded, which will tell us the story of how Kree left the Land Under to bond with Rhychard. I’m looking forward to exploring some of the side stories in this series, and I know some of you have been wanting the background on some of your favorite characters. They’re coming, so keep on the lookout.

Other News - We’re busy working on a merchandise store that we’re extremely excited about, and we’re gearing up for events in 2021. We have definitely missed hanging out with all of our bookish friends and can’t wait to get back to the gatherings to meet the readers. 2020 has been rough on everyone, and we’re excited to see things moving toward author events once more. Will we be seeing you at any of the events in 2021? If so, which ones? Drop us a line and let us know.

Happy Reading,


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