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We're Expecting!!!!1

That’s right. You heard it here first. We’re expecting, and what a great way to begin the new year. We’re excited about this new phase and just had to share it with you. You see, we’re expecting new series, new characters, and a new pen name. Robbie Cox will continue to bring you awesome paranormal and urban fantasy stories, while the new pen name will solely be committed to steamy romance. And even in that area we’re expecting! I’m entering a whole new world to me, but for which some of you may be familiar, and it’ll help us launch the new pen name. More news will be coming on that front, but just a hint – it involves Navy SEALs.

So, what does all of this mean? Well, I know some of you don’t care for the magical worlds and prefer the more human romantic tales. A new name will help you determine what the story is. We’ll be creating a new email list, as well as new pages on Facebook. There are other details we still have to work out, and until we flesh those out, I’ll just leave the matter here for now. I’m probably going to be scolded for saying this much lol. But it’s worth it. I mean, when you’re expecting, you want to tell the world, right?

We also have new series coming your way, such as Draven Falls, and one I’m working on with a trio of paranormal crime fighters. There will be more of your favorites, of course, such as Warrior of the Way, Destined Mates, and The Cauldron Coven. But the fun doesn’t stop there. I’m back in Dark Moon Falls Volume 3 this year with a whole new tale, Reed, and will have more Black Hollow and Crimson Moon Hideaway stories to add to the mix. So, pass the cigars around. We’re expecting great things in 2021, and we’re glad you’re along for the ride!

Until then, Happy Reading,


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