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We Have A Baby……Pen Name!!!!!

Hey, everyone! The last time I came to you was to share with you a new direction we’re going on my writing journey. Well, if you’re a member of Robbie’s Rascals on Facebook, then you already know the big news, so let’s bring the rest of you in on the next turn on our path. We’ve been busy over the last couple of weeks creating a new pen name for my romance books, and we think we’ve come up with a fairly cool name – R.C. Wynne. If you look on Amazon, you’ll see some of the books have already started the transition. When it’s all said and done, we’ll be moving four series over to the new name: The Rutherford Series, Fangirls, The Best of Both Worlds, and The Harper Twins. We’ll also be launching the new name when I release my first story in Susan Stoker’s Special Forces World, Shadows Renewed, in March.

So, what does that mean for you? Well, as I said, our team has been busy creating everything we need to give birth to R.C. Wynne: all new social media links, a new readers group, and even a new newsletter. Everything under Robbie Cox will remain focused on my Paranormal and Urban Fantasy stories, while R.C. Wynne takes the world of Romance. So, feel free to follow either one or both to keep up with the stories you love to read. Below, you’ll see the links you need to follow to join R.C. Wynne on all social media platforms, join my readers group on Facebook, as well as join my new newsletter. I know some of you want to only hear about my romance stories, so here’s your chance. I look forward to having you join us on this new journey. As always, it’s going to be a great ride!

One other thing before I say goodbye for now. I need to let you know about Dark Moon Falls Volume III! It’s now out for pre-order for ONLY 99 cents! We have some of the same great authors and a couple of new ones, so you’ll want to check out these awesome shifter stories with some of your favorite wolves and witches! Check out the blurb and cover below. This box set releases in April, so reserve your copy now!

Thanks again for being a part of this adventure, and I hope you join us on this new course.

Until then, Happy Reading,


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