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Peace Out 2020

2020 has been a year of disruption throughout the world. The tragic COVID-19 pandemic changed the way people live their lives and do business. For us here at Sandy Shores Publishing, 2020 saw many changes due to the coronavirus, some for the worst and others for the better. We became a full-time work-from-home business, bringing the entire team into the writing world fulltime. Part of our daily tasks were to be on the hunt for paper products, like much of the rest of the world, and that in itself was a challenge. Prices increased dramatically in many areas to offset the loss of income. Book events were canceled, much to our dismay, but for very good reasons, and Space Coast Book Lovers, Orlando Reads Books, and Book Obsessed Babes were among those that were postponed. Some of those events became virtual to keep readers connected and to distract us from the chaos around us. Even now, key book events are being moved further back into 2021.

These past 12 months will definitely be forever "the year that changed everything". However, with all of these changes, we still feel hopeful, having seen how our book community has pulled together to find ways to help others in need, becoming creative in how we share our love of writing through Zoom and Facebook Rooms with those that love to read our writing, and most of us even saw our eBooks flying off the shelves as people grabbed for a form of escape. Everything became about making things a little less lonely, and helping everyone feel a bit more connected to each other while remaining isolated.

As the year comes to a close, we are pleased with the milestones we've accomplished and look ahead to 2021 with eagerness on what's to come! Thank you for your part in making it all happen! Happy New Year!! May we hold onto the great things of the past year and shake off the dust of what threatened to undo us.


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