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It’s Alive!!! It’s Alive!!!

All right, maybe a little overdramatic, but I couldn’t help it. I’m excited. Today is the day Crimson Moon Hideaway: Muse Unleashed hits the digital shelves of Amazon. I know you’ve heard quite a bit about this story already, so I’m not going to tell you how fun, how great, how easy to read, how captivating, how mesmerizing, how… Okay, I won’t say any of that stuff. (But it is, just sayin’.) For many of you, Muse Unleashed hit your Kindles last night or this morning. For the rest of you, you still have a few days to get the

99 cents price before it goes up to $3.99, and for those in Kindle Unlimited, it’s ready for you to add it to your list for FREE! And there are FIVE other Crimson Moon Hideaway stories for you to gobble up, with more arriving every month. So, pop by Amazon and one-click today!

Now, what else is happening in the world of Author Robbie Cox? I ask that same question every day and wait for the girls to tell me. So, I asked, and now I’ll share what they told me with you. We’re working on a new Christmas story, Sassy Claws, first of the Bull Creek Holiday Stories. This will be a short book, centering around Alanna Bradbury, and I’ll be sharing more of that with you next week. We also have His to Command, fourth in the Rutherford Series, up for pre-order, and are getting ready to release the first in my Draven Falls series, The Tenth Coven. Dark Moon Falls Volume Two comes down after today, which means Deacon will be a standalone book soon, and we’re already putting together Dark Moon Falls Volume Three. And that’s not all! We’re putting up a merchandise store and finally getting books up on Audible, as well as other audio book sites. We’ve done some awesome things this year, and while I usually slow down in November and December, they girls have me going full steam ahead.

So, there are plenty of things happening, and some great stories coming your way. There will be more Destined Mates, Warrior of the Way, Bull Creek Chronicles, and The Cauldron Coven stories next year, as well. Now, that’s a lot of writing. I’m excited. I hope you are, too. Thanks for hanging with me and reading these fun tales. I’m looking forward to the worlds we’re about to bring your way. I know you will be, as well. So, in which series are you eager to see more books releasing?

Happy Reading

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