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It’s That Time of Year Again

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, then you know we’re entering my favorite time of year—the holiday season. October, November, and December are my favorite three months out of the twelve. I love the decorations, even the spooky ones, as well as the festivals and parties. There are exotic costumes, special music, and delicious food we don’t eat at any other time of the year. The focus of people’s minds tends to shift with less complaining and more giving of thanks and appreciation. It’s also a fun time to write stories. A few years ago, I did just that, and my first Halloween story was published.

Death isn't a wall to stop us, but a doorway to breakthrough, and Kelly has found the key.

They say marriage lasts until "death do us part," but Kelly Ginsberg has stumbled upon a way around that vow and the witch who can make it happen. Yet, no one will leave her be so she can be with her late-husband, Jared, trying to get her to move on with her life. However, her life is fine as it is, and Jared is still a part she looks forward to every Halloween.

Derek Cranston wants more than to be Kelly's shoulder when she's sad, or the person she binge watches old movies with on Saturday nights. Much more. Still, he needs to find a way to move Kelly out of the past she clutches to and into the future where he can take care of her every need. Yet, how do you compete with a dead husband who keeps coming back to life?

Come Halloween the flames of passion will once again ignite for Kelly Ginsberg, but the question is with who? One-click here to find out! Come Halloween actually introduces us to the Witches of Savannah, but I didn’t know that at the time. It also spurred a second story, Behind the Mask, which I’ll talk to you about next week. Until then, pour yourself some warm apple cider, slice a piece of pumpkin pie, and check out Come Halloween and enjoy the beginning of the holiday season. It really is the greatest time of the year.

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