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2016 – An Author’s Year in Review

Every year, before New Year’s Day, we like to take a look back and see where we started, how we progressed, and even where we may have dropped the ball at times. While some may say that 2016 was a tumultuous year filled with bitterness, rage, and insecurity, for this author and his team, it was a year of progress and growth. The girls and I set out to accomplish some milestones, and for the most part we were quite successful. Let’s take a peek at some of the highlights.

First, we saw the Fangirls series concluded. Last year, Nikki began the adventures of readers and authors alike becoming emotionally involved in short little novelettes that we dubbed our first Lunch Break Reads. Lily quickly followed suit and then other stories screamed for attention. However, this year three more stories followed—Cassie, Olivia, and Willow—bringing the collection of romantic tales to an end. At least, for now. Each one is only 99 cents and can, as we’ve been told, be read while you’re on your lunch break. We hope you’ll swing by your favorite digital book dealer and pick up a copy.

The next thing we saw happen was a facelift for Losing Faith, the first in my Rutherford series. While the first cover was amazing and one that will stay in our hearts and on my walls for a long time, we decided that Losing Faith needed a cover that would not confuse readers of the content inside. Losing Faith is in no way a religious book and I’m afraid we made quite a few confused readers blush after the second chapter. Now there should be no mistaking what awaits inside the covers.

Finally, after three years of waiting, we also saw the release of the second Warrior of the Way series, Lore Master. This installment of my Urban Fantasy series, brings our heroes back together to face another foe of the Unseelie while they struggle to come to grips with the devastation of Reaping the Harvest. Life has changed for all of them, but it’s not over yet. Dark elves, ghosts, a man-eating merrow, and even the more common thug do their best to bring our main characters to their knees and take control of Harbor City. Yet, Rhychard isn’t about to stand idle and let that happen, even when his brother sticks his nose into the mix. Lore Master has been greatly received and all are begging for book three, The Warrior’s Blade.

The girls and I also attended several fantastic author events, Book Obsessed Babes, I <3 Books, Indie BookFest, Meet the Authors, Astor Library’s Geekfest, and Beach Babes Book Blast, where we met some spectacular readers, authors, bloggers and assistants. One event we even attended during Hurricane Matthew! Each event was well done and we will be looking forward to returning to these cities in 2017. If you haven’t had a chance to make it out to an event, stay tuned for details and then venture out. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

We also saw the release of my video series, Getting a Seat at the Table: Book Signing Basics. This is a four-part series geared towards new authors who are attending their first event and need some help in knowing what to expect and how to succeed. The longest is only 17 minutes long and each follows a certain path to make your first book signing a success. This series can be found on YouTube and we urge you to check it out.

One of the highlights was being interviewed by Yvonne Mason of Off the Chain, not just once, but twice. Each time was a blast and I’m looking forward to being back on her radio show. I also have a great time talking with her about books and the writing industry.

Add to all of that an eight-day cruise, a family reunion, several trips to Disney, and turning 50 and this year has been one adventure after another. Each one has brought us into contact with great people and fantastic memories. We’ve been pumped and filled with new ideas, new story concepts, and plans for 2017. While some may see 2016 in a negative light, we can’t be happier with what we achieved and experienced. We didn’t get everything done we wanted—Behind the Mask and Under the Wrapping were pushed back a year—but we accomplished what was meant to be accomplished and had fun doing it. The great part about being an Indie author is that I make my deadlines and write the stories that are screaming in my head. We have great plans for next year, which we’ll talk about in the next blog post, but we’re leaving 2016 with no regrets and a vision for the future. Thank you for being a part of it and joining us on this journey. It’s only going to get better!

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Until next time, keep chasing your fantasies!

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