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The Girls - My Entourage, Personal Assistants, PR Firm, My Editors-in-Residence

It’s confusing, I know. Not everyone knows how to take us and I understand. Everyone has a preconceived notion of how people interact and how relationships should be and we kind of throw all of that out the window. I mean, a couple is supposed to mean two, but ours means four. It’s the new math.

Most of the time, it’s not an issue. We take several trips a year, booking hotels and cruises, traveling together as well as with friends, and those closest to us know how to accommodate the girls and me. They know the size room we need, how we like to sit at the dinner table and how we travel. We have a system for everything that works quite well for us and they have all grown used to it.

Of course, as we have branched out into the book signing arena and have started signing up for events, not everyone is quick to grasp the situation. Most authors have an assistant that helps them at these events. I have three.

“I’m sorry. Who are all of these people again?”

“We’re his assistants, his editors, his publicity people––we are the ones who hold his hands and tell him he can’t go out dressed like that.”

“And he needs three of you?”

“Yes. That’s all he’s allowed.”

And then we have to figure out the extra costs to attend all of the events, receptions, and workshops. It’s not that we mind paying for all of the extras. It is part of the journey we’ve chosen. The complication is getting the event coordinators to know what to charge us. We still don’t have answers for an event a couple of months away. I’m not sure if our size is part of the confusion, however, or if it’s just confusion in general. It will be an adventure, that’s for sure.

If you’ve followed me at the original Mess or on any of my social media sites, then you’re quite familiar with our family and how we interact. You also know that I would never have reached the goals that I have without these three ladies and all that they do. They are my arms and legs keeping me on track and moving forward. They create and order my swag, keep my publicity going, sign me up for events, and listen to my crazy story ideas. They even feed me at times. They are the reasons behind my success and I hope you’ll come out to one of our events and meet them. I know that they would love to meet you.

And to the event coordinators – Yes, I do need them. They are the only reason I know what I’m doing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Until next time, keep chasing your fantasies!

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