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A New Year of Writing


A new year is here and we have taken the first week to slow down and catch our breath in order to prepare for the months ahead. It seems like since November, we’ve been going at breakneck speed with everything the holidays had in store for us––surrounded by family and friends, buying gifts, and enjoying all the celebrations that tend to fill up our calendars. The pace didn’t slow down until after an entire week into the New Year had already passed.

So this past weekend, which was the first real weekend in January that we could call our own, the girls and I took the chance to set back, recuperate and just enjoy each other’s company once again. It was a time of recharging our batteries so that we could hit the ground running with everything that’s coming down the pike. And there is quite a bit to look forward to in the months ahead.

The college kids were tucked away back at college, the ten-year-old was with her father, and we had the house to ourselves. We were going to make the most off it. Friday night, we started the evening by setting aside all of our phones and other electronics in order to do away with the distractions that so easily ding for our attention.. With a mixed drink in our hands and a cigar in mine, we lit the fire pit out back and huddled around for some quiet conversation and much needed catching up. Just because we talk every day, doesn’t mean we actually talk every day and this was our chance to share some goals and dreams.

From there, we surrounded ourselves with snacks, piled mattresses and pillows on the living room floor, and settled in for a long night of Vampire Diaries until we couldn’t keep our eyes open anymore. I’ll admit, I was one of the first to give up the ghost. I think Teri could have lasted until sunrise.

Saturday morning we slept in, had a quiet, simple breakfast, took our time getting dressed and then browsed through some of the specialty food stores in the area. Have I mentioned 2015 is the year the girls are wanting me to eat healthy? Can other people make New Year’s resolutions for you?

That evening after we returned home, we experimented with a new dinner dish. I fired up the grill, had a glass of wine, and enjoyed a Melissa Foster novel. The meal turned out to be fantastic as almost all of their new dishes have been this year so far. Once the kitchen was cleaned up, we then settled in for some reading and a few more shows.

The best part about the weekend was that there was no rush, no sense of urgency. There was no pull on our attention and we were able to enjoy each other and go about our activities at our own pace. It was definitely a much needed, quiet weekend after having a house full of college kids, friends and the hustle of the holidays.


So now we turn our attention to 2015 and look forward to everything that’s planned with recharged batteries and a clear focus. The first thing that we’ve accomplished and are looking forward to are some book signing events. So far, we will be participating in two. The first one will be in March in Cocoa Beach. Look here for more details. In April, we will be attending the Book Obsessed Babes event in Jacksonville on the 24th and 25th. If you’re in the area, I hope you’ll come out and say hello. There will be more events, so pay close attention to this site and our fan page on Facebook for more details as to where you can find us.

Other exciting news – March 1st should see the release of Sibling Rivalry, the first in a three-book New Adult series. From there, we return to the Rutherford series and follow the exploits of the characters that we met in Losing Faith. There will also be another installment of the Warrior of the Way series and a Halloween romance full of ghosts, witches, and the steamy sex you’ve come to recognize in my erotic novels.

So, 2015 looks to be another exciting year. We learned quite a few things last year, both of the things we need repeat and things we need to never do again. We’ve made some commitments to get me out of the recliner this year and out from behind the computer. We are looking forward to more travel and meeting new people. Hopefully, we’ll get to meet you somewhere along the way as we look forward to a fantastic 2015.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Until Next time, keep chasing your fantasies!

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