Mom, Technology, and the English Language
Whenever my mom needs her DVD player or stereo hooked up, she always calls me. Where my dad is in these situations I will never know. ...

I collect People
I watched as a gnome of a man climbed two levels of theater seats, his sweater draped over his trembling arm. He eased his body forward,...

They Say I'm Quirky
They say I’m quirky, whatever that means. When I think quirky, I tend to think of older people who are starting to lose their anchor to...

The Final Box
I hate moving. Dread it actually. How people swap from one home to another for long periods of time I will never understand. It would...

Behind the Novel, Behind the Mask
It’s here! The release for Robbie Cox’s upcoming stand-alone story, Behind the Mask has arrived and it’s worth all the excitement....

My Little Black Book
I admit it, and I’m not even embarrassed about it. I don’t hide it. I carry it with me wherever I go, right out in the open. It’s sitting...

The Destructive Force of Secrets
Rhychard Bartlett has a secret, a very big secret. We’re not talking about what he bought his mother for her birthday or whether Santa...

Things Are Not As They Seem
It’s not just because the world is full of faeries, although for Rhychard Bartlett that has become a definite reality. It’s more than...

2016 – An Author’s Year in Review
Every year, before New Year’s Day, we like to take a look back and see where we started, how we progressed, and even where we may have...

Christmas in Flip Flops
(A Throwback Post from the Mess That Is Me December 2012) I have a confession to make. As much as I love this time of year with its...