A Self-made Cage
It’s a chore I truly detest, cleaning out the garage. There are tubs for everything from holiday decorations to party supplies to...

Hello 2013
Today is the first day of a new year, and, I don’t know about you, but 2012 is leaving with mixed emotions. We saw one son get married...

Jumping from the High Dive
I despise heights. Some may see this as an irrational fear, and perhaps they’re right, but ridiculous or not, it freezes me up. It’s...

Step Away from the Desk
I’ve been sitting at my desk typing for three hours. Okay, well not for a straight three hours, because I’ve also done my Facebook...

It's Time to Press Pause
It’s a hectic pace, day after day. The morning comes before the sun even peeks its golden eye over the horizon and you feel like you’re...

The Interruption of Interaction
I give up. I mean, I was really looking forward to just a couple of hours of peace and quiet in order to finish the final chapter of...

Spotlight Stage Right
Every story has its main characters, those interesting people that you’re either rooting for or against. It’s because of them that the...

Improv Living
Yesterday, I wrote about how you were the one in charge of writing the script of your life. It’s your story and you need to be the one...

Write Your Own Script
It never fails. I’ll spend a week or more outlining a storyline, determining what I want to happen in each chapter and with which...

Too Much
Too much of a good thing can, well, too much. When trying to accomplish your dream those two words can be a stumbling block and a...