Disney Fast Pass Chaos
By now you realize our family loves Disney. We grew up surrounded by it and it has always been a place for escape since I was in...

Middle Name Seriousness
“Robert John Cox!” I froze in my tracks, afraid to move another inch. Once that middle name came out, I knew I had stepped over the...

There Is No Bedtime on Vacation
After spending all day traipsing throughout one of the worlds at Disney, I was looking forward to just being back at the resort and...

Stepping Out from Behind the Wheel
Four days. We were going to be gone for four days and I was more than ready for it. We had talked about it, planned it, sat up at night...

"They Didn't Stop Us"
I had been planning it for a couple of months. The girls knew, of course. The 9-year-old didn’t, however, and that was the entire plan....

"You Can't Win Them All"
Char and I went to the store the other day, why I am not sure, but I am positive it was of necessity for me to drag my carcass out of the...

Remember When They Meant All
It seems to be a popular trend for people to fight their battles on social media sites. I know more about people’s dirty laundry now than...

No Joking About Disney
We had had reservations at Outback Steak House, which had become our traditional Valentine’s Day dinner out. Well, not really...

The Quest for Nice Things
When Char and I were first married, we didn’t have an abundance of money. We did, however, have more than enough bills and a baby on the...

The Walking Purse
I hate carrying a wallet. I have one or rather I had one before I bought this new case for my phone, which now comes with a wallet of...